Know Better, Do Better

October 25, 2022 Aphsie No comments exist

If all behaviour is learned and practice makes perfect – can you see the relationship between knowledge and execution?.. 

We live life and gain experiences that we should be using to make our lives better. Be encouraged to actively learn from every single experience life offers you. Truly, the pursuit of a better life is the least one could do in appreciation of the gift of life 🎁 

😅 I just re-read the above paragraph and I sound so corny – but let’s put that aside and search for the lesson in these words… 

Let us continue to allow ourselves firstly to experience life to our full capacity – let’s visit more places, interact with as many different people, try new things, learn different ways of doing things – go all in 🙌🏾

I believe that learning is a much needed and never ending process and we should take even the lessons we received from school and practically apply them to our everyday lives 👌🏾

I rate that if we adopt this kind of thinking then we won’t even feel the burn of ‘hard lessons’ (rejection, failure, heartbreak, etc.). Let’s just take life for what it truly is – one big lesson 💯

So, next time you feel that life is taking you for a ride – simply learn how you can do things differently, then proceed to begin 🏁

Yours – but mine first,

P.S.  Thanks for having a read & you’re MORE than welcome to share your thoughts on our comment section below – looking forward to hearing from you…

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