Art carried in the dark
Is one’s Identity standing out
Are teeth with a smile
Take a selfie pout
Look at the world scout
None like you?
Now stand your ground, proud
You’re one of a kind, shout
It’s right, stay on that route
Stand and fight
Who you are is a dime
You are mine
Tell that reflection on sight
You have so much might
Feel the motion
Don’t be running on “E”,
“F”-illed with “E”-motion,
Driven by principle before such
“D” before “E”
You’re an Alpha
Now on you Bet
Get your self-esteem in order
Stop letting foreign personalities
Cross your border
You wanna be him,
You wanna be her,
You wanna be them,
Simon says be Sam
“I” in the “Den”
Lions I wrestle
You are art
What do you see in this art?
Poetically Yours,
GB Langa

P.S. Thanks for having a read & I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic below…