Your Fave 2022 Reads

January 17, 2023 Aphsie No comments exist

Okay – it’s now officially the year 2023. We’ve given 2022 a fitting send-off with Mission Possible: 2022 and its sequel Before I Conquer 2023… 🏆 

Last August was the launch of The Book Of Aphsie – that means we’ve been journeying together for a young 5 months and it’s been such a delight. I genuinely love and enjoy creating this blog for you ❤️‍🔥 

It’s interesting how so much can happen in a relatively short space of time – here are our Top-Five Most Read Blogposts of 2022: 

The Retired Church Girl

The response received by this blogpost, from the different communities I’m a part of, was very intriguing… As a matter of fact, it signaled that this is a topic a lot of us have had somewhat of an experience with and I’m so glad that it was met with more of an appreciation than judgement 🙌🏾

If you haven’t read The Retired Church Girl yet, please do so and share your thoughts/experiences. There are two sequels to this blogpost, namely The Retired Church Girl (Pt 2) and Church Culture 💎 

As I Grow Older

Growing up is one thing that has been mightily celebrated in my family. It’s also something that I personally appreciate even more after surviving a near-death experience (as discussed in My Testimony) 🙌🏾

I remember how excited I was to turn 21, and I carry with me the same thrill (if not more) as I prepare to kickstart my 30’s 🥳

As I Grow Older is where I share the highlights of my life’s lessons so far – this piece is followed by Thirty, Flirty & Thriving – do have a read and share your thoughts 💭 

Abuse (still I stayed)

My vision for this blog is to provide the world with a platform for learn from each other’s life experiences and lessons – thus I have an open invitation to Visiting Bloggers (could this be YOU? Pop me an email HERE)🤗

Sharon Prince accepted our invite with open arms and published this story about her experience with domestic abuse in her marriage. It’s no surprise that it was a favourite, make sure you too have read: Abuse (still I stayed) 🖤 

New Beginnings

This is the launching blogpost of The Book Of Aphsie, which I wrote after a little hiatus I took while transitioning to this blog from the insideWomen Blog

Looking back, this blogpost was my offloading platform to prep for a fresh start – it was so therapeutic 💆🏾‍♀️ 

Do read New Beginnings and I also published a few of my most-recent older blogposts from the insideWomen Blog like: Did You Say Sex Party? and My Testimony 📖 

The year is finally upon us my good people – I am turning 30-years-old this October and I’m so ready 💪🏾 

Okay, not so much ready but my arms are open and ready to embrace the Dirty Thirties 😜

I’m definitely going to re-work this blogpost & do an entire series for my birth-month – but until then do read: Thirty, Flirty & Thriving and let me know what you think 🤔 

These almost made it to our Top Five, so I’m including them as our special mentions:

*September Is For Lovers

*Know Better, Do Better and;

*Am I Over-extending Myself?

Which of these were your faves? Or is your fave not on our Top Five? Tell me more on our comment section below 👇🏾

Yours – but mine first,

P.S.  Thanks for having a read & I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic below…

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