Yoh, do you remember how much oomph everyone had about the “2020 Vision” last year? Eish, whatever happens – please don’t be dismayed by how 2020 turned out to be…
Instead, let’s keep that same energy going into 2021 🚀
Having said that, I’ve gone ahead and drafted a vision board for the new year – with the intention of using it as a reminder of the ‘bigger picture’ all throughout this year 👌🏾
So what I’ve done is listed all of the thing I’d like to achieve this year, and I’m realising the importance of setting out the intentions you have for the new year and further going back to them to record your progress 💯
These are the headings I’ve grouped my intentions for the new year:
I now plan to create a visual Vision Board, to support the draft of my intentions – simply because I am such a visual being and because pictures speak louder than words 🔊
Do you also go into a new year with set goals? How do you record these and make sure you crush them? 🥊
P.S. Thanks for having a read & you’re MORE than welcome to share your thoughts on our comment section below – looking forward to hearing from you…
Yours – but mine first,
Aphsie ♡

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