Thirty, Flirty & Thriving

October 17, 2023 Aphsie 12 comments

And so the third decade in my life begins, today is 17 October 2023 and I am debuting my Dirty Thirties… 

‘Thirty, Flirty & Thriving’ is a phrase I got from the 90s classic movie titled 13 Going On 30 and it sure feels like it’s sentiments are what I will go into this decade manifesting 🧘🏾‍♀️

YES, it’s getting real ladies and gentlemen – I am now at 30’s shores and I look forward to riding its waves, collecting my lessons and celebrating my wins 🥳 

Hmmm… Come to think of it – I’ve only recently started to warm up to the idea of turning 30. I always had my twenties in mind, but now that I’ve arrived I couldn’t be more excited and here is what makes me look forward to the BIG 30: 

Another Year of Life

My truth is I almost didn’t even turn Twenty-one, due to the near-death experience I explore in My Testimony 🙃

Having survived this tragedy makes me grateful for every new day I’ve lived ever since 💯

Having a Sound Mind

I’ve always been sober-minded growing up, but as I continue to mature my head-space grows clearer and clearer. It’s almost as if some Growth Magic Spell’ has been cast on me and I love to see and experience it 🦉

I honestly look forward to witnessing how much clearer my thoughts will be and the confidence that’ll result therefore 🙌🏾 

Being Truly Independent

Oh hello Adulting 🙋🏾‍♀️

This WHOLE TIME I believed I was ‘independent’ – you know? I’m an independent thinker, I can take care of myself and cater to my physical, emotional and spiritual needs 💯

As children we tend to forget that the assets we have at our disposal are, more often than not, made available to us by our loving parents and I genuinely look forward to now taking all that my elders have taught me and applying it to real-life 👌🏾 

That Extra Dose of Respect

LOL – I know 🙈 

But seriously, the one thing I’ve really struggled with in my youth is not being taken seriously all because I’m young 🙃

It was even worse before I gained weight, even my peers treated me like a little baby – haibo I’m a grown woman now, can I get some R.E.S.P.E.C.T 🎶 

Another thing I look forward to is the growth and establishment of my business UP_PHELELE and every blessed milestone this will result in 🙌🏾 

I’ve had my fair share of dating encounters, as discussed in Lessons Called Exes – so I genuinely look forward to settling down with somebody’s son and building our family and empire together 🥰 

Allow me to propose a toast to my DIRTY THIRTIES – here’s to abundant life, love and dreams-come-true 🍾

Yours – but mine first,

P.S.  Thanks for having a read & you’re MORE than welcome to share your thoughts on our comment section below – looking forward to hearing from you…

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12 Comments on “Thirty, Flirty & Thriving

  1. Welcome to the 3rd floor Aphelele, hope it treats you well my angel, and brings you great opportunities.

  2. Welcome to it Aphsie. Your shares are always so light and airy, easy to read. Even the hard topics. Keep going and growing girl❤️

  3. This is so brave, honest, profound and coming from your heart. May God grant you all your wishes. Romans 5: 4 – 5 says, ‘ we’re experiencing hardship so as to be made strong and patient. We are more than conqourers at the end of the day. What a beautiful read!!😍❤

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