Sanibona – greetings, my name is Aphelele Zanenhlanhla Lesedi Chonco. I am the first born daughter of Ruby Phuti and Sibusiso Sakhayedwa Chonco ❤️🔥
My forefathers are Mshobashobi who bore Songo, who bore Matthews Dubinyama Chonco, who bore my father. Yes, these are the Chonco’s, oGambushe, Shayimamba, Nyongande – zinde ziy’emhlubulweni, Mfomubi, Chunu 🙌🏾
My mother was the first & only child to Kiething Linah Maphuti (nee Tlhalohang) and Jacob Mokgabudi Ramahuta 🤍
I was born and bred in eSikhaleni seNkosi formerly known as the Esikhawini Township – found in the north coast of KwaZulu-Natal. I was raised with four other siblings and from the beginning our parents have encouraged us to confidently embrace our individuality 👌🏾
I have grown to be a God-fearing, multi-talented creator and entrepreneur. My relationship with God has been life-long, but became very prominent to me at the beginning of my teenage years 🙏🏾
I committed myself to Christianity and attended a charismatic church all throughout my teens. At the tender age of 20 I had a life-changing experience (which I discuss here), thereafter I took a ‘church hiatus’ of sorts. I am now a baptised Catholic and I must note that even when I was between churches my relationship with God remained unscathed 🥰
Art and design have been a passion of mine since I could recognise colours, thus I’ve pursued my love of fashion design and founded a slow-fashion brand named UP_PHELELE 🖤
This business is my first born and I intend on establishing more by pursuing my other passions in the arts. I’m also a passionate singer/song writer, dancer, poet, author, painter, sketch-artist and everything in-between 👩🏾🎨
Education has played a pivotal role for me and my family, since both my parents were first teachers and later became self-taught entrepreneurs and craftsmen. Perhaps my professional journey will end conversely to theirs – who knows? 🕯
The older I get, the more I realise the importance of finding and re-establishing my identity. Even though I’ve mentioned the fundamentals of my identity above, I am so much more…
For me, defining my identity isn’t a way to box myself – but rather serves as the acknowledgement of all that’s informed all I now know and believe to be true 💯
Tell me, do you know who you are? 👀
Yours – but mine first,
Aphsie ♡

P.S. Thanks for having a read & I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic below…
Your amazing sis ❤️😍
Love lots
I love you too Noks & thank you 🤍
Imvelaphi yakho ingumongo wempilo yakho. Uyabona manje, sewunganqoba konke okusendleleni yakho futhi ungahlabana kukho konke okuzamayo. Ngiyaziqhenya ngawe MaGambushe!
Uqinisile Baba & ngiyabonga kakhulu – Shayimamba 🙌🏾 😘 🤍