My 30th Playlist

October 31, 2023 Aphsie 2 comments

Incase my last two blogposts (The Roaring Twenties & Thirty, Flirty And Thriving) haven’t showcased my excitement for my entry to my Dirty Thirties – please note that it overflows 🙌🏾 

My love for literature covers all the forms it is delivered in, namely written (books, articles, blogs, etc) and spoken (music, poetry, drama, etc) 🎭 

As a matter of fact, I grew up also wanting to become a singer – but when I was accepted into the Art Department of art-school I took that as a sign from the universe that Fashion Design was the path I should commit to 🎨

Though, as I relax into my adulthood I’m reminded of the importance of pursuing all my passions and music is definitely one for me. Now, it plays more of a healing role for me. I look back at my life and don’t know if I could’ve survived my Roaring Twenties if it wasn’t for music 🎶 

I’ve already proposed a toast for the next decade of my life in Thirty, Flirty And Thriving and I believe these songs will serve as the perfect soundtrack to guide me along 30’s way…  


Yes, I am a resident of the Bee Hive – but I’m not just obsessed with The Queen B for vibes. Instead she’s been a role-model for me and the first time I listened to COZY I knew I needed a shift in perspective with regards to how I was leading my life 💯

My 20’s were laced with so much self-doubt and uncertainty as I second-guessed myself in and out anxiety/depression all throughout 😩

I have now chosen to trust my intuition, draw from the lessons I’ve learned and live with a bold confidence instead. I even learned the dance to this song and shared it HERE ❤️‍🔥


Float’s message is similar to the one of the song above and this serves as a double stamp of approval for me 🙌🏾

Though, I do feel a spiritual connection to Float’s message as it deals directly with the difference in perspectives – how life for her now is a natural flow as opposed to a calculated and stressful act 😌

Queen Space

Queen Space is all about That Extra Dose of Respect I’m referring to HERE – but highlights the importance of attaining a good dose of self-respect to inform the respect which you should expect to receive from others 👌🏾

Before, I used to lack in this department but after spending a good amount of time with myself and conducting some Self Therapy I’ve learnt that I make a valuable contribution to the lives of the people around me and that I am worthy of love, compassion, empathy and respect 🧘🏾‍♀️

All You Need Is Love

My love and appreciation for All You Need Is Love came to be so unexpectedly – I randomly had the first line of this song stuck in my head because of a movie I had recently watched – can you guess which one it was? 📺

Anyways, this inspired me to listen to the actual song and analyse it’s lyrics and I am so glad I did this! These are the words that’ll be forever etched in my conscience:

"Nothin' you can do, but you can learn how to be you in time It's easy…"

Mary, Don't You Weep

Last, but absolutely not least – the gist of Mary, Don’t You Weep is all in the title. I am a Christian, as discussed in The Retired Church Girl, and this gospel classic always reminds me that no issue, no matter its size, should be able to overwhelm me because of the master I serve 🙏🏾

Come-on somebody, can we have a little church this morning? Lol, I actually listen to Mary, Don’t You Weep every morning as I’m preparing my day’s work – it really ministers to me 🙌🏾

Yours – but mine first,
Aphsie ♥︎ 

P.S.  Thanks for having a read & you’re MORE than welcome to share your thoughts on our comment section below – looking forward to hearing from you…

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