Category: Uncategorized

October 31, 2023 Aphsie 2 comments

Incase my last two blogposts (The Roaring Twenties & Thirty, Flirty And Thriving) haven’t showcased my excitement for my entry to my Dirty Thirties – please note that it overflows 🙌🏾  My love for literature covers all the forms it is delivered in, namely written (books, articles, blogs, etc) and spoken (music, poetry, drama, etc) 🎭 …

July 11, 2023 Aphsie 6 comments

Refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. Perfectionism (n) It was a fairly normal, sunny day in Durban when I decided to buy some juice from my local tuck shop. After the purchase I received my change, and of course, I spent a good few minutes arranging my money ‘properly’ 👌🏾  As many would…