I’m definitely the type to look for the lessons in all of life’s experiences. I’m also aware that I am not the only one who believes that everything happens for a reason, and that lot of the times the reason is to deliver a lesson that needs to be learned 🤓 I have compiled a…
Category: Personal Development
I have been blessed to be a part of a lot of friendships as I grew up and each one still has…
I have to complete my reflection of the year that was 2022. December took over my life before I could publish…
I must also mention that my skills and knowledge gained from school (Durban University of Technology – Fashion…
This is one question I don’t believe I ask myself too much of. I often give, give and give some more – right until I myself am…
I am fully aware that for some people age is just a number, and I am definitely not one of those people…
This is a sequel to The Retired Church Girl, do read it first before we get into this one. The reason I needed to recover…
As I write this blogpost I am sky-high making my way to the beautiful Cape Town – could there be a better scene than…