I have to complete my reflection of the year that was 2022. December took over my life before I could publish the sequel to Mission Possible: 2022 – I have regained my consciousness since then, kindly receive it 🤗
If you haven’t yet read Mission Possible: 2022 please start there, where I discuss the first part of the intentions I had set out for 2022 and this is the second part – In 2022 I Will:
Revive The #UP_newsletter & My Personal Blog
Writing has always been one of my favourite past times, which is why when I was bedridden and recovering from the fatal car crash I was involved in (as discussed in My Testimony) I resorted to writing ✍🏾
That’s actually when I first started blogging, but as I recovered and got back to school, then work, then business – I stopped writing and I definitely felt incomplete. In truth, I’ve got just one pair of hands and only 24-hours in a day so something had to fall-off 🙃
2022 was the year I chose to correctly order my priorities, plan my life and get back to doing what I LOVE and and truly serves me. Did you know that if you subscribe HERE you gain access to both the UP_PHELELE & The Book Of Aphsie newsletters? 🙌🏾
Read & Listen More
In as much as I love writing, reading and listening to other people’s thoughts and ideas is something I also enjoy 🤩
I definitely read more books in 2022 than I had in the previous year, my goal was one book per month. I’m continuing with this going into 2023 and am starting my first book for the year tonight 👓
Refine My Social Circle & Make Great Memories With Them
This point right here is a blogpost all on it’s own – the flames I’ve survived because of this are unbearable 🥵
To say the least: life has made me very cautious of who I allow into my circle and this intention really helped me navigate my social life in 2022 and keep my sanity 💆🏾♀️
I have to mention that this rule even applies to family members – I was successful at this and am keeping it as a life-time practice 💯
Maintain All My Relationships, Both Personal & Business
Building and maintaining healthy relationships is very important to me, so this intention was me being very deliberate with my actions to uphold my beliefs ❤️🔥
Truth is, in as much as I’ve had some unfortunate relationship experiences – the same is true for the opposite. I genuinely love and appreciate the people who continuously communicate their love for me and it is for them that I bend over backwards 😍
This is also a practice I’ve been able to introduce into my business dealings, for our clients, partners, affiliates and prospects 🖤
Take More Breaks & Pray Some More
It’s definitely ’save the best for last’ with this intention… At the end of 2019, I remember feeling so drained and when I looked back I realised it was because I worked myself in and out of the year 🥴
I legit didn’t make time for taking a breather and found that this contributed to the high levels of anxiety I was also experiencing, thus my NEED to pray some more 🙏🏾
I found this scripture at the hight of my anxiety and I meditate on it as often as I can – I pray it blesses you too:
So, when I tell you that I had a wonderful time in 2022 this is exactly what I mean. Of course there are many other things that happened in between, but all in all it was a truly successful year 🥳
I’ve just had a wonderful Summer Break, which gave me a real opportunity to rest and make great memories with my family and close friends. My next blogpost will share my highlights from the Festive Season. Make sure you’re subscribed our newsletter to receive an instant email notification – until then ✌🏾 💌
Yours – but mine first,
Aphsie ♡

P.S. Thanks for having a read & I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this topic below…